Donor Identity Disclosure Types

At Cascade Cryobank, we understand and respect the sanctity of a sperm donor’s identity, recognizing its significance to both the donor and the recipient. We are committed to upholding a delicate balance: providing our recipients with the critical information they desire while steadfastly respecting our donors’ privacy.  We offer a range of options for donor information sharing, designed to meet various levels of comfort and needs of both parties.  We are dedicated to navigating these sensitive matters with the utmost care and respect, fostering an environment of trust and understanding for all involved.

Sperm donors at Cascade Cryobank consent to a program called “Open ID,” wherein offspring generated by donor sperm can receive identifying information about the donor upon reaching the age of 18. Information released according to this program includes name, date of birth, and last known address. Additionally, depending on the country, this may include the place of birth, marital status, and number of other offspring.

The Early Disclosure Program at Cascade Cryobank is a first-of-its kind program in the sperm banking industry that provides a consenting donor’s identity information as soon as the respective recipients report a live birth using that donors sperm. A recipient who achieves a live birth using an Early Disclosure donor can receive the donors name and date of birth, as well as at least one meeting with that donor, moderated by Cascade Cryobank.

Recipients of an Early Disclosure Donors sperm may request further contact with the donor after the initial meeting, although future contact will be based on mutual agreement and consent of donor and recipient.

Cascade Cryobank no longer accepts anonymous donor applicants, although due to previous company policy, some previously onboarded donors are still and will remain anonymous.