The Early Disclosure Program

The Early Disclosure Program (EDP) is a first-of-its-kind donor identity release standard that is exclusive to Cascade Cryobank, through which donor identity is available as soon as a live birth is reported. In addition, you can choose to make initial contact with your donor via a meeting moderated by our licensed mental health professional.

How It Works

  1. Choose an EDP Donor from our catalogue.
  2. Report the live birth of your child to us by downloading the “Open ID Birth Reporting” form.
  3. When you feel the time is right, request donor identity information.
  4. If desired , you may request a virtual meeting with the donor, which is moderated by our licensed mental health professional 

Sperm donors at Cascade Cryobank are given the option to consent to a program called “Open ID,” wherein offspring generated by donor sperm may receive identifying information about the donor upon reaching age 18. Information released according to this program include name, date of birth, and last known address. Additionally, depending on the country, this may also include the place of birth, marital status, and number of other offspring.

Recipients may choose to make initial contact via a virtual meeting moderated by our licensed mental health professional. Recipients of an Early Disclosure donor’s sperm may request further contact with the donor after the initial meeting, although future contact will be based upon mutually agreed conditions determined during the initial meeting.