What Are Recipients Looking for in a Donor

If you are looking for donor sperm, you probably realized now that your journey is a highly personal one. This is a big decision for you, and you want to make sure you find the donor sperm that will fit your family the best.

The selection process can also be emotional and you need to be careful that you find exactly what you want. But, how do you know how to find the right donor sperm? Here’s a look at what you should consider when looking through catalogs to find donor sperm:

Physical Traits

A good place to start is the donor’s physical characteristics. This includes trats like height, hair color, eye color, and complexion. Your criteria for what traits to look for are highly personal. You might prefer a donor whose physical attributes resemble their own or those of their partner, to ensure that the child may share some resemblance to their family. This isn’t the only thing you should look at, but physical appearance should play a role.


Another thing to consider is a donor’s overall health, as well as his genetic background. You will want to prioritize donors with a clean bill of health and no family history of hereditary diseases or genetic disorders.

We make this process easy for you because we perform extensive medical screenings and genetic testing to provide recipients with detailed information about the donor’s health history. You can view all this information so you can make an informed decision.

Education Level

Some recipients prioritize intellect and education when looking for donors, and this might be something for you to consider, as well. You can look at donors with a higher level of education, and professional achievements. The theory is that it will help produce more intelligent offspring, but keep in mind that there are other factors that could also affect this. Also, education isn’t always a good marker of intellect – there’s so much that goes into this. Education level is, however, a good start.


Beyond physical and intellectual attributes, you also might be interested in the donor’s personality. Characteristics such as kindness, humor, empathy, and resilience are often highly valued. Recipients may review personality assessments or donor essays to get a sense of the donor’s temperament and values. We also do a psychological workup and leave our own impressions.


Ethnic and cultural background might also be something you will consider. If you are from a diverse background, you may prefer a donor who shares your same ethnic heritage. This will help the child maintain a connection to their cultural roots. This preference is often about preserving cultural identity and ensuring the child feels a sense of belonging within their community. This is also something to think about.

Choosing a sperm donor is a complex and deeply personal decision that involves a careful consideration of a variety of factors. We have an extensive donor catalog for you to browse, and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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