We are excited to share that we at Cascade Cryobank had the privilege of attending the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) 2024 conference that took place in Denver, Colorado from October 19th – 23rd.
We had a great time because we were able to connect with some of the brightest, most innovative minds about reproductive health, fertility, cryopreservation, and more. This is one of the biggest gatherings of its kind for the industry, and we were thrilled to take part.
The dedicated people at ASRM are dedicated to bringing together specialists, researchers, and innovators who are all motivated to advance the field of reproductive health.
Our involvement at ASRM, to us, was about more than just showing up. Our goal was to make industry connections, learn from the community, and learn about how researchers are expanding our knowledge of what is possible with reproductive health.
Cascade Cryobank’s attendance at ASRM was also about sharing with others how we are dedicated to the field of reproductive health, as well as share our own innovations. For example, we have a first of its kind program, our Early Identity Disclosure Program, which offers recipient families immediate access to donor identities upon reporting a live birth if the donor had opted in to the program.
As we shared our expertise and learned from others, we felt reaffirmed in our mission to provide high-quality, safe, and innovative fertility preservation options for our clients. Not only that, but we had the opportunity to discuss process and best practices with our colleagues concerning reproductive health and our role in helping our clients achieve the best possible outcomes.
For more information about ASRM 2024, please visit this link: https://asrmcongress.org/